报告题目:China's "Great Leap Forward" in Science and Engineering
内容摘要:In the past two decadesChinaleaped from bit player in global science and engineering (S&E) to become the world's largest source of S&E graduates and the second largest spender on R&D and second largest producer of scientific papers. As a latecomer to modern science and engineering,Chinatrailed theUSand other advanced countries in the quality of its universities and research but was improving both through the mid-2010s. This paper presents evidence thatChina's leap benefited greatly from the country's positive response to global opportunities to educate many of its best and brightest overseas and from the deep educational and research links it developed with theUS. The findings suggest that global mobility of people and ideas allowedChinato reach the scientific and technological frontier much faster than if it had gone down a more parochial path.(该论文可以在NBER网站下载)
黄炜,哈佛大学经济系博士在读。2011年获北京大学中国经济研究中心经济学硕士,2008年获北京大学物理学和经济学学士。哈佛大学肯尼迪学院Inequality Doctoral Fellow,哈佛大学法学院Wertheim Fellow, NBER Pre-doc Fellow, IZA Research Fellow.研究领域包括劳动经济学、健康经济学、应用微观经济学。目前是德国劳动经济学研究所(IZA)研究员。在Nature, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Journal of Labor Economics, Social Science & Medicine, Economic Inquiry等国际期刊发表过学术论文。担任Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Urban Economics, Journal of Health Economics等国际期刊审稿人。